
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Julep Maven - January 2012 "It Girl"

Ooh! My first non-Polish Lover, non-Bombshell box!

While I watch my Steelers obliterate the Broncos (which are the local team, but I've never liked them and I despise Tebow), I will share with you. :)

Today I have the January 2012 "It Girl" box from Julep. I LOVED Megan at first sight, but I knew I would never wear it with the pale pink that Bombshell was supposed to come with. Then, perfectly, I found the It Girl box with Megan and two other, unreleased shades.

Some of you also may recall the obituary for my Julep Nail Therapy. Lucky enough, the first Mavens enrolled in the program also received their choice of a few free products, and Nail Therapy was among them. Can you say "yay" loud enough?

They also included a sample of their nail polish remover pads, which I am anxious to try sometime. If I like them, I think they would be a great addition to my travel kit. I am not sure if they are available for purchase yet, either!

This set included Hayden, Megan, and Leah as the basic run of polishes, and then, as I mentioned, the extra Nail Therapy and polish remover.

Did anyone else get this one? I thought it was sort of like the Polish Lovers set from November, leaving out the body scrub etc. On the other hand, I would really like to see the pomegranate body scrub!

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